Cambodia meets Rwanda, 25 March 2012

And there they came!
After 24 hours, 3 stops, 2 transfers, the Cambodians stood on African soil.
On both sides of the flight people had been both very nervous and excited.
The pay off was moving. It only took another hour to get the ten carton boxes with equipment, set  and costumes through customs.
Head of Mission of La Benveolencija, Aimable Twahirwa, has missed part of his rehearsals for his appearance in The Interrogation of Peter Weiss to talk them through.
And he managed!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. dennis van galen27 maart 2012 om 00:36

    geweldig om die foto's te zien!
    Echt bijzonder


  2. ja, erg leuk om die fotos te kunnen zien.
